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Hi, I'm Shelby!

I’m an award winning biomedical illustrator, 3D-modeler, and animator. I have a Masters degree in Biomedical Visualization from the accredited University of Illinois at Chicago and a Bachelors degree in Animal Science from NC State University. While in the BVIS program, I was honored to receive the 2022 Frank Armitage Fellowship, Medtronic research Scholarship, and Vesalius Trust Research Grant. 


Not wanting to be confined to just one type of job, I choose to enter this field because of my love learning. I continuously explore new softwares, techniques, and medical/scientific topics. When I'm not researching and designing for a new project, I enjoy trying new cafes around Chicago, volunteering at PAWS, working out at my gym, and tending to my mini plant jungle.

Frank Armitage Fellowship

University of Illinois Biomedical Visualization Program 2022

Vesalius Trust Research Grant Recipient

Vesalius Trust for Visual Communication in the Health Sciences

Medtronic Scholarship

Medtronic American Indian Employee Resource Group
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