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Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy

Client: Karen Bucher

Audience: Veterinary Surgeons

Media: Adobe Photoshop

Role: Research, Content Writing, Design, & Digital Illustration


Purpose: This surgical illustration depicts a Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy surgery, otherwise known as a TPLO surgery. The procedure of sawing the bone and inserting the plate is shown. These steps are critical to ensuring proper angle alignment of the new bone position. Additionally, inserting the screws in proper sequence is important to securing the plate in the bone, flush to the surface.


Research + Rough Sketch

TPLO Sketch page 1.jpg
TPLO SKetch Page 2.jpg

Layout Design



This first layout was trying to include too much unnecessary info on the right page. Experienced surgeons know to suture up at the end of surgery.


While this one allowed the steps to breathe a bit more, I still wasn't happy with the plate insertion sequence and I missed the zigzag of info on the first page.

TPLO final sketch.png


After a lot of brainstorming sessions, I thought of an engaging way to show plate insertion sequence on page 2. With the zigzag coming back to the first page, I had more room to show the instruments and Tibia bone.

Final Deliverable

TPLO_Top View Book Mockup.png
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