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Eye Disease Symptoms From Type 2 Diabetes

Masters Research Project

Advisor: Leah Lebowicz, MS, EdD, CMI

Defense committee: Karen Bucher, MA, CMI, FAMI and Rex Twedt III, MS

Content Expert: Jay Herde, RoxAnne LaVallie-Unabia, and Cynthia Gourneau, PharmD

Client: American Indian Health Services of Chicago, Inc


Role: Creative Direction, Research, Script Writing, Storyboarding, Asset Creation, 2D Animation

Duration: Research and IRB approval - 6 months | Script Writing to Final Animation - 2 months

Research Question

What decisions about representation should be considered when designing an animation about type 2 diabetes for a Native American audience in Chicago?

First 3 Pages of Storyboard 

Character Development
Informed from surveys of preferences of representation

Significance + Impact

The proposed inquisition into relevant representation considerations helped identify AI/AN symbols for representation in the field of biomedical visualizations. Additionally, this research has the potential to aid in the development of medical illustrations and animations that include representations of American Indian and Alaska Native populations. By creating a conversation with this community, it allowed the target audience to reclaim the narrative about their ideals of representation and empower them pseudo-ownership of visualizations meant to represent them.

This has the ability to impact a community that is usually not represented in biomedical visualizations and potentially may impact the way they relate to the content.

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